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We currently have collected over 300 videos ranging in subject matter across four playlists for the aspiring E9th player. The first list begins with an overview of the instrument and progresses through basics of the setup, tuning, chords, scales, techniques, intros, and licks. A second  list covers some popular styles and music. The third list covers equipment. The fourth list is focused on the 6-string pedal steel tuned to the middle 6 of the E9th tuning.

The embedded players below are setup to run in a phone, tablet, or computer.  Click the list Icon in the upper righthand corner of the video screen to see the list of video topics. Just click the topic to run that video.

Pedal Steel Lessons

Click here to get the full page Youtube view of the playlist.


Click here to get the full page Youtube view of the playlist.

6-String Pedal Steel

Click here to get the full page Youtube view of the playlist.

Pedal Steel Equipment

Click here to get the full page Youtube view of the playlist.

When you feel ready for it, there is a pro course for you to take...

Here is the end-all and be-all of steel guitar courses. Paul Franklin, the top Nashville session player is offering a range of classes for beginner to the pro level. If you intend to take your playing to the professional level this course probably should be on your list of things to do.   


There are even 28 free lessons in 3 Free courses. All you have to do is sign up for them. Check out  The Paul Franklin Method

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